Spanish Flu Newspaper Article

Spanish Flu Newspaper Article

The “Spanish Influenza” was a virus that “quickly spread around the globe and altered the course of world history” as it took more lives than the Great War.((Gordon H. Hirshberg, “Medical Science’s Newest Discoveries about the ‘Spanish Influenza’.” The Washington...
Women’s Suffrage Photograph

Women’s Suffrage Photograph

The source I have chosen is a photograph from 1917 that accurately depicts the Woman’s Suffrage Movement. The photograph is titled “Woman Suffrage Banners,” and was taken by Harris and Ewing. During 1917, the United States of America had just entered the First World...
WW I Soldier Photo

WW I Soldier Photo

This photo is from the archives of the League of Nations and German Peace Society, and it shows a German soldier dead in the battlefields during World War I from 1914-1918. This photo was taken to show the horrors and destruction of the war. To ensure that destructive...
Wake Up America, Photograph

Wake Up America, Photograph

The historical source that I am writing about is one of the most important sources that changed America’s course of direction. It was created by James Flagg in 1917.  In the cartoon, it shows a famous actress who symbolizes America and the freedom this country has,...
The White House

The White House

For my historical source, I decided to analyze the classic structure known as “The White House”. For some simple background, the White House was built between 1792-1800. The main architect behind the construction is known as James Hoban, a man whom George Washington...