William Waller’s Powder Horn


Why were the early American’s fighting in the American Revolution? They were fighting for freedom and liberty. The American army, or the Patriots, were determined to gain their societal freedom from the British rule. William Waller was a rifleman in George Washington’s army from Virginia and his significance in history is underrated. He carried a powder horn during the war that had many different slogans written on it, including “LIBERTY OR DEATH” and “KILL OR BE KILLD” on the sides of it. Powder horns were used by the American army during the war to store gunpowder and many soldiers created drawings or pattern on them. William Waller’s powder horn proved to be of higher significance, however. The horn has very intricate patterns across it that give it a unique look. The “KILL OR BE KILLD” slogan speaks for itself, as the Patriots knew how harsh the British army was and their lack of mercy. Each soldier, including William Waller, had no choice but to kill to keep their lives. “The Americans lost battles they had started off winning. Death on the battlefield was taking a substantial toll on the American troops.”(())[1]

The war for the American side was not easy and many people lost their lives to give us the independence we have today. I believe the word “Liberty” written on the side of the powder horn is a clear summary of why the Americans fought against the British. The “Death” side of this slogan symbolizes how strongly the Americans felt about gaining their freedom. They would rather die than give in to anymore British rule. The Patriots were even forced to build shelters that proved to be exhausting work on top of fighting. “An unintended consequence of each replication effort was the rediscovery that building log cabins was not as easy as it appeared, a lesson that Washington’s army learned at Valley Forge.”(())[2] They had to repeat the building of the same shelters throughout their entire route in the Revolutionary War. The motivation of gaining “Liberty” pushed them to endure this tough work. Perhaps William Waller carried this powder horn during the war to remind the army of their primary objective and keep them from losing hope, especially with the American losses during the war.

In conclusion, William Waller’s powder horn has significant meaning behind it and our country’s independence. This historical artifact tells the story of why the American’s fought through the toughest conditions and never gave up even when victory seemed hopeless. I believe this artifact is one that people forget or do not pay attention to enough. Aside from the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, this is a symbol of our freedom and how much our freedom means to us as a country. Waller was a smart soldier who helped motivate his fellow soldiers into continuing the battle and not losing hope. He deserves a statue in Virginia holding the horn as this statue would be a significant historical landmark to add to the collection. The horn is currently being held in the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The following is an interesting video on powder horns during the War, including William Waller’s powder horn: https://youtu.be/a-bohdhrn94(())3



  1. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspxdirect=true&AuthType=sso&db=e700xna&AN=608982&site=eds-live
  2. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=e089mna&AN=1924763&site=eds-live
  3. https://youtu.be/a-bohdhrn94

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May 1, 2023

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