About Me

How do I rate the snacks?

The Selection Process

The process for picking snacks is rather simple. I walk around food stores and pick out unique snacks that I believe I will like and try them out. As I mentioned in my original About Me post, I tried to sample snacks that were different than traditional ones such as Lays Chips or Oreos.

The Rating Process

When picking a rating from one to five on the snacks I take into account a few main factors.

First, obviously is the taste. I typically prefer salty and spicy over sweet and gummy. That is why you see more pretzels and popcorn than candy and sweets.

Next is the texture of the snack. Besides the flavor being the most important factor is my scores, the texture of a snack is next up.

Lastly I judge how logistic the snack is. Is it easy to carry around? Is the snack filling? Do they give you your money’s worth? Is it easily available?

The snacks are all rated out of five stars with 1 being terrible, 2 being bad, 3 being average, 4 being good, and 5 being delicious.

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