9-30-13 meeting notes

Mary Z will put videos in streaming or in blackboard shell so that we can access them. We are going to wait for the new edition.

Goal- complete syllabus by March 3rd 2014  — before we can plan this hybrid 6 credit course we need to see if we can co-plan and co-teach the elementary math part 1 course.  This will determine the content of math part 2 & math methods decisions to make:  how much of course to be online; what online tools to use; Mary wants us to develop the syllabus on line as a blog – the syllabus is then like a website – everything could come off of this blog.

We want a way for students to be able to share their problem solving strategies – Mary is going to figure out the best tool to do this – we want students to be solving a problem together in real-time collaboration (example, pigs & chickens) so far the tools that we are going to use:

1. small discussion groups (focused around videos) where groups of 5 and one student is leader each week

2. wikis – project based learning and then real life teaching in our classroom

3. an interactive problem solving site




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