Summary of Dan and Ed’s solo meetings in October

Dan and Ed spent our first session taking notes as each other brainstormed ideas for the course. Ed created a Google doc to share these notes, and invited all on the immediate team to join. We also started sharing the resources that already have, included syllabi from our current relevant courses and texts that have been important to us. Ed also created a Dropbox folder, to which he also invited others on the immediate team, for sharing articles and other materials.

At the second meeting, Dan and Ed elaborated on the initial brainstorming session, coming up with “pivots” that are moments for key learnings that integrate text and classroom experience and adding readings to the list. We also developed key themes, such as a focus on reflection on student reading and writing processes, the possibility of a “flipped course” approach, a National Writing Project approach (and possible use of the local Kean chapter as a resource), the challenge of overcoming 12 years of students’ experience of English education, the need for substantive student teaching experiences.

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