6-2-14 meeting notes

Meeting with Ed & Dan to go through master course and missing materials. After meeting sent follow up email with action items

Due Date: 6/9/14

Ed & Dan

  • Welcome Announcement (template attached)
  • Course Faculty Information (template attached)
  • Participation Requirements (template attached)


  • Link to “Reciprocal Reading” (week 7)
  • Link to 1201 website: Double- and Triple-entry journal (week 8)
  • Provide fleshed out instructions for Writing Wiki assignment – sample assignment for introducing students to peer-review of drafts (week 10)
  • File for “Russel and Tanez: Big-Picture People Rarely Become Historians” (week 11)
  • File for “Carr, Is Google Making Us Stupid?”
  • File for “Janet Emig, Writing as a Mode of Learning”
  • File for “Anson, Response Styles and Ways of Knowing, Chapter 16” – please submit an e-reserve ticket for this so Library can scan as OCR


  • Create rubric for Task Analysis & Objective Writing Activity (week 6)
  • Provide language on what “advanced” means for Reading and Writing Wikis for week 11
  • Description/Instructions for Unit Plan assignment (week 12) (if this is being done with assignments throughout term, please connect with what is already listed in course overview)

Locate ECHO 360 Lecture captures for:

  • Reading Processes
  • Lecture on Doyle

Due Date: 6/16/14
Ed:  Lecture Capture on “Genre Theory and Activity Theory” (week 11)
Dan:  Syllabus for course

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