Next Senate IT Meeting Thu, March 8 @ 1pm

Our next Senate IT meeting is on Thu, March 8, as usual at 1pm, but this time in the Dean’s Conference Room of the Library, not in the Curriculum room. I will post more agenda items as they come in. I hope you can make the meeting! If you have any items you like to see discussed, please post them here or send me an email.


  • Welcome
  • Update on mobile computing choices
  • Training and security for AS online courses (*)
  • Misc (TLTR Updates, etc)

(*) Communication by Jon Radwan, AS EPC Chair: “The A&S EPC has been working w/ Dean Guetti on an issue that came up in QM meetings with Renee.  Currently A&S course piloting rules permit any faculty member to create a new 100% online course and offer it up to 3 times w/ no requirement for input from TLTC.  Policies may be similar in other colleges.  We consider this problematic and are proposing a new bylaw requiring TLTC training prior to running any online course. If the Senate IT committee agrees this is a problem, would they consider proposing a SHU-wide rule?

One semi-related issue involves security.  A&S EPC forms say that a “security plan” is required for all online courses, but nobody ever provides one.  Assuming “security” refers to identity, is there any way to guarantee that the student taking the online course is the person they say they are?  We are aware that this problem could also exist for face to face courses, but no A&S EPC forms ask for security plans for traditional classes.

Also see: proposed draft of EPC new course approval form