Concept Mapping for Meaningful Learning

Concept Mapping for Meaningful Learning

What is a concept map?

A concept map is a type of graphical organizer, which are organizers of knowledge in graphical form, typically 2-dimensional (Novak & CaƱas, 2008).

Recent research suggests that having students create concept maps after instruction improves their retention of material and their performance on exams to a greater extent than other common instructional methods (Schroeder, Nesbit, Anguiano, & Adesope, 2017).

Resources for Employing Concept Mapping in the Classroom

Drs. Goedert and Viswanathan, of Seton Hall University have created the following videos as resources for getting started with concept mapping. The first video below provides a detailed background on concept mapping and guidelines for implementation based on empirical findings. The second two videos provide information for getting started with concept mapping using the CmapTools freeware. Additional information for using CmapTools can be found on their help page.

Click below to link to the video resources:

Introduction to Concept Maps

CmapTools Quick Start: Basics

CmapTools Quick Start: Advanced

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